
The TERMINOR FUERTE (The abnormal cells DESTRUCTOR) is a locally modified licensed version of the revolutionary anti-cancer drug, that contains a unique multi-vector therapeutic agent produced by FarmMex Company in Mexico. It is used in the last stages of cancer, when all the healing resources and protective capabilities of the body are exhausted. In addition, TERMINOR is most effective in treating viral infections (such as herpes, candidiasis, hepatitis of all types, etc.), Toxoplasmosis, Chlamydia, Gonococcus, Mycotoxins, Trichomonas, Mold structures, etc.

Also TERMINOR (thanks to the multi-level pharmacokinetics of the effect) eliminates any immunodeficiency state by adjusting the metabolic status of the body to a physiological optimum. TERMINOR, without affecting healthy cells, acts on the replication of genes of pathological cells, eliminates malignant isomers caused by dextrorotatory alkaline amino acids of histones. Under the influence of the Terminor, there is a direct neutralization of free lipids by binding. Breaks down trienes (triglycerides) and other pathological fatty acid conjugates.