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Extract (99,8%) from the raw apricot seed for intravenous infusion & rectal administration … more info


Abnormal cells destructor

Locally modified licensed version of the revolutionary anti-cancer drug, that contains a unique multi-vector therapeutic agent … more info

As the main therapeutic agent for etiotropic treatment use for binding and excretion of foreign proteins, poisoning from dead cancer cells as a result of the disintegration of tumours or direct toxins … more info


Healing Potion

CHI-NEY is made with a combination of over 100 herbs, minerals and spices mixed (Complex «Bokhor») in a base of powder Bhutanese ginger. In Ayurveda, CHI-NEY Healing Potion is considered a rasayana, which has antioxidant and immune-stimulant properties. They boost the immune system, help fight aging of each and every cell in the body and build resistance to disease. Essential for oncological diseases and immunodeficiency states … more info

GLYOXYLIDE by Dr. William F. Koch

Glyoxylide is a synthetic carbonyl compound with a high redox potential used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of most cancers and other severe pathologies of the body. Our company was able to cope with the key point in the production of this effective drug – its instability, having managed to select a neutral stabilizer.


The product manufactured by our Company is complex-molecular, complete, (real) Vitamin C, not simple Ascorbic Acid, which is (although large) but only a fragment of this high molecular weight isomer … more info


The Human Biochemical Standard

The existence of a living cell is completely determined by its metabolism – a set of a large number of interdependent chemical reactions proceeding routinely and consistently in time as well as in speed. The correct passage of these catalytic processes is possible only with the precise regulation of the work of enzyme proteins … more info